Disk No: 2838 Disk Title: ABC-Talk PC-SIG Version: S1 Program Title: ABC-Talk Author Version: 2.0 Author Registration: $24.50(U.S.)/$28.00(Int'l) Special Requirements: 512K RAM. EGA and hard drive recommended. ABC-TALK is a new educational program that features real human voice. The object of ABC-TALK is to talk to your child, to help them learn how to talk, read, learn the alphabet, spell and interact with a computer. For children ages 1-3 ABC-TALK will teach your child to say the EARLY WORDS (HI, BYE, MAMA, DADA, PLEASE, THANK YOU DRINK, etc.) and how to interact with a computer. For children ages 3-5 ABC-TALK will teach them to say and understand the alphabet, how to recognize letters in words and how to use the keyboard. For children age 5-7 ABC-TALK will teach them how to spell basic words. Also included in this package is the ABC SONG and EASY DRAW for your child's CREATIVITY. Your child will love the stunning graphics in this package. ABC-TALK was designed to be an INTERACTIVE and CREATIVE. This is not a standard type of educational program. This program was created with the concept of having the computer TALK TO YOUR CHILD to teach him/her the basics of talking, learn the alphbet, spelling and how to use a computer. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1991 PC-SIG, Inc.